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- From: frice@stbbs.com (Fredric L. Rice)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: John Mack, MD on Pacifica Radio!
- Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 00:51:27 GMT
- Organization: The Skeptic Tank
- Lines: 47
- Message-ID: <4qi4ib$b9s@news.paonline.com>
- References: <834747781@awaiter.com> <31C2724C.F22@students.wisc.edu> <morbius-1506961708120001@news1.channel1.com> <4q4dao$nfi@neon.house.gov>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:89049 alt.paranet.ufo:54186 sci.skeptic:73625
- B David <bruce@lee.house.gov> wrote:
- >>Mack has consistently shown his biases and inadequacies, as well as his
- >>blindness to find real and testable psychological reasons for his
- >>patients' confabulations.
- >Not really. He just sees circumstances that can't
- >be explained.
- No, he's _contriving_ alien abduction beliefs and inplanting them
- into the memories of his "patients" -- an artifact that is little
- different than those who implant "Ritual Satanic Abuse" in the
- minds of children. (It's called False Memory Syndrome, in fact.)
- He's predicated upon the belief that claims of alien abductions are
- based upon an unexplained phenomena when in fact it's easilly
- explained by _proper_ application of human psychology -- one that
- is employed by someone without preconcieved notions.
- >He also sees others ridiculing a situation
- >that could actually lead to some big and unprecedented
- >discovery.
- By "ridiculing" you mean "debunking." Mack was _demonstrated_ to be
- employing unscientific and shoddy wishful thinking He was exposed as
- being willing to accept everything his "patients" tell him which, of
- course, was what he _wanted_ them to tell him.
- >And, thirdly, if something big and unheard of
- >is actually discovered in the area of abductions or the
- >paranormal, then Mack will, of course, be amongst those
- >who are receiving the most attention and the most *fame*
- >or whatever you want to call it.
- What Mack does is nearly criminal. His methodlogy is little different
- than Rich Boylan's methodology with the sole exception that Boylan,
- while implanting false memories of alien abductions in his "patients,"
- had his "patients" get undressed first.
- ---
- http://www.stbbs.com/personal/frice/index.htm
- The Skeptic Tank direct: (818) 335-9601
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